Monday, December 7, 2009

Pearl Harbor - Then and Now...

Wow - can you believe that it was 68 years ago today that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?

It's hard to imagine the terror that was felt on that day so many years ago. Americans relied on the radio and newspapers to receive word of the attack.

Today it would be broadcast live on TV and the internet; no imagination required.

Our leaders were asleep at the wheel prior to Pearl Harbor, much like they were prior to 9/11.

Frankly it amazes me that President Obama wants to send more troops to Afghanistan. I hope that he'll allow them the support to win this war, but I wonder if that's even possible. What are our criteria for success in Afghanistan? With the corrupt leadership there it's a big surprising that we're not affecting change at those levels.

Please remember those that gave their lives to defend our freedom in Pearl Harbor and please keep those that continue to defend our freedom in your thoughts and prayers.

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